
Archive for the ‘Learning-logs’ Category

Installing dkPro in 2014…

  • … proved easier than 2012  (thanks, Richard Smile), but still not for the faint of heart…
  • I got it to work maven-download-sources, despite an update release of ver 1.6 – once again like in 2012 – in the middle of my installation travails.
  • Read all about those in here.

First steps with the teacher-training-setup for Sanako Study 1200 v7 in a deepfrozen computer lab environment

  1. I remember a time when the vendor travelled onsite to provide faculty induction into the Sanako Lab300, they set up the student PCs with a special version of the tutor software that multiple faculty could gain hands-on experience during a workshop.
  2. I have sorely missed this facility during my own 8 years’ of experience training faculty in using the successor product, Sanako Study 1200. No longer: With Sanako 7, Sanako provides to the digital audio lab manager an installer that sets up a similar environment for faculty in a Sanako Study 1200 lab. Below are some observations how to get this to run what should be a fairly typical HE language lab environment
  3. Install, in frozen state, as admin:
    1. Uninstall Sanako student recorder from appwiz.cpl
    2. Install "S:\COAS\LCS\MYDEPT\LRC\Secure\software\Sanako\7\TeacherTrainingSETUP.EXE" (right-click, run as admin)
    3. Is mostly hands-free, but I’d prefer an MSI with a /quiet install option, then I could automate that.  
      1. One could write AutoIt script compiled to .exe that uninstalls student recorder? Need to know the msicache location ?
    4. Neither Uninstall of student recorder nor install of teacher-training-setup require a restart  -  is suitable for installation on otherwise frozen lab installation
  4. Additional setup required:
    1. I got an error about corrupt student settings file, but it worked.
    2. Loading students from "corridor"
      1. On unfrozen office computer, I got an error about student settings corrupt, but teacher could load students
      2. On frozen lab computer, I get no error, but teacher does not see students, although 5 have been started – Is an original student settings hanging around?
      3. After tutor setup (do not require tutor login) and restart, I get this error on the tutor: image
      4. And this crash of the student: image
      5. But now is see these signs of success :
        1. on student timage
        2. on tutor this : image
        3. And it works: image
    3. We have to unblock tutor in firewall twice:
      1. Initiate a screen sharing , then unblock : image
      2. For audio: initiate a model imitation with collect, then unblock.
    4. Set Collection path:
      1. Initiate a homework collection , set collect path to a suitable folder (here S:\COAS\LCS\LRC\sanako\student).
      2. Not needed for audio collection.
    5. Other observations:
      1. Uses file download, not stream audio, to students: You can see the tutor and the student applications at the same time, monitoring the effects your tutor operations would have in the classroom
        1. Why at first 2 students and then 3? image
      2. Remote control:
        1. Note that screen sharing will switch aero off on your computer
        2. Note that button:"collaborate" does weird things to your mouse, make sure you can even get back to the button:"monitor" to turn it off.
    6. Setup TeacherTrainingSETUP for each workshop participant.
      1. The msi packages contained in teacher training setup as of Fall 2013, in case you ever get around automating the installer using AutoIt that you can deploy it from teacher station instead of having to touch each machine, please share: imageimageimage

    Mapping of Language Student Locations using Bing Maps

    1. What do our language students call home? Based on a pivot-table that counts zip codes, let Bing Maps tell you, a default add-in easily accessible in the insert section of the ribbon:
    2. image
    3. Note a Limitation: Bing Maps max 100 data points. image
    4. So we limited to zip codes with at least 15 students (which returns just below 100 zip codes).
    5. Also note, the Bing maps app cannot be increased beyond a certain size (below is the maximum).image
    6. Finally, note  that the visualization does have a weight indicator, but it seems imperfect:
    7. image
    8. clip_image001
    9. Here is how data (type) input errors get handled (duplicates override the original):
    10. image
    11. Fix your data, the reload from the upper right unfoldable menu: imageimage
    12. Voilà: image

    This is just a (iframe with google calendar on test

    Protected: Facilitating equipment circulation and room booking with website calendar aggregation?

    2014/01/29 Enter your password to view comments.

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    Corpora, Treebanks, Word-Lists. A List.

    First steps with MS-Lync 2013 screen sharing and remote control during support calls

    1. Start a meeting, by double-clicking on somebody who shows as available in your contact list: image
    2. If you then hover over the monitor item at the bottom, you get the option to “present”, i.e. show your screen to the other person your are meeting with. (Multi-monitor support seems good, if you have multiple monitors like we do): image
    3. If you accept the sharing: image
    4. Voilà, there is your colleague’s screen in a window on your desktop, watch her mouse actions: image
    5. The presenter
      1. receives a visual reminder: image
      2. can also give you control to remote control her mouse: image, the result of which looks like that: image
      3. can stop the presentation at any time.
    6. Finally, the presentations can be recorded which could be extremely useful in a support call for later reuse/review either by the presenter or audience. Click on the 3 dots in the lower right of the “stage”window. image
    7. It looks like a basic, easy workplace-wide screen sharing software that integrates with the local accounts could be extremely productive during daily collaboration. To make such a solution a system-wide service for calling support, one would probably need a queue and pool of supporters and call forwarding.

    First steps with Publish or Perish citation analysis software program

    1. Here is the result for a somewhat less basic query. You can (1) merge identical results by drag and drop, (2) sort by clicking the column header – for finding more duplicates and other examinations of the result set –, with the 1st sort level being the (3) checked/unchecked status. Note that the s”results”summary conveniently aggregates only the items from the query result set that you have not unchecked:  image
    2. Common pitfalls:
      1. Do not search author names without quotation marks, here is why: image
      2. Think about including multiple versions of the author’s name, especially first name: image
    3. You can export,
      1. e.g. as CSV which you can import into MS-Excel (note that MS-Excel does not autodiscover all settings, you  have to set these:)
      2. image
      3. and convert into an Excel table, for further analysis and distribution:
      4. image