
Archive for November, 2015

Adding APE input format support (and WMA output format) to

  1. FWIIW: When trying to run Paul Weterings’ script  against a media folder, it failed.
  2. I added exception handling, to arrive at : “Exception calling “Create” with “1” argument(s): “s:\multimedia1\Piano.Sonatas\vol1\I1.ape (taglib/ape)”.
  3. Took me a while to realize: Taglib-sharp seems to stumble over APE file formats. Even though the taglib release notes seem to say it is supported since 2009. And even though I upgraded taglib-sharp to current version
  4. Now I am simply bypassing the call to taglib-sharp for files with the APE extension, and default to a bitrate of 64 for those.
  5. I also
    1. changed the conversion direction to WMA format, including from MP3 source format.
    2. added an option $blndelete to not delete source files.
  6. No warranties of any kind. All due credit goes to  Paul Weterings’ script here.
# trp: any2wma.ps1
# wma2mp3 conversion powershell script...
# dec 2010 version 1.1 Servercare, Paul Weterings
# Feb 2013 version 1.2 ServerCare, Paul Weterings, Byron & Chuck, added DRM check,
# more formats and bitrate
# trp: nov 2015: using *.wma as output, added *.ape as input (and *.mp3)
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# Set-PSDebug -trace 1
$blndelete = $true # $false # control whether originals get deleted after some success conversionchekc - good idea, but not yet
# Where are we?
# $loc = Get-Location
$loc = $PSScriptRoot # trp
# $tag = $tag = $loc.Path + "\MPTag" # trp: not really? butr this syntax apears more often , is this ps' append to existing variable
# trp:
$tag = $tag = $loc + "\MPTag" # trp: not really? butr this syntax apears more often , is this ps' append to existing variable

# Import MPTag module
# See:

$errorcountbefore = $error.count

Import-Module $tag
If ($error.count > $errorcountbefore)
Write-host "trp:" + $lastexitcode + \n + $error[0]

# Use Windows Media Player
# See:
$errorcountbefore = $error.count
$mpobj = New-Object -ComObject wmplayer.ocx
If ($error.count > $errorcountbefore)
Write-host "trp:"+ $lastexitcode + \n + $error[0]

$tool = "ffmpeg.exe" # trp: done:test:can i have ffmpeg in $env:Path?$loc.path+"\ffmpeg.exe"
$successcounter = $failurecounter = 0

# This is the root folder where script looks for the music, adjust this to your liking.#
# #
$strBaseDir = "S:\multimedia1\Piano.Sonatas" # ape

$objParent = Get-ChildItem $strBaseDir -recurse -Include *.aac, *.flac, *.m4p, *.ogg, *.ra, *.rm,`
*.ram, *.raw, *.wav, *.mp3, *.ape
# trp: now target instead: *.wma
# todo: *.m4a,

foreach ($child in $objParent)

trap {
Write-Warning ('Failed to access "{0}" : {1} in "{2}"' -f $child.FullName, $_.Exception.Message, $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)

# trp: exclude .ape from taglib-sharp and set default bitrate of 64k
if ($child.Fullname.EndsWith(".ape"))
$bitrate = 64
# Use the MPTag library to get the correct bitrate
$libmedia = Get-MediaInfo $child.Fullname
$bitrate = $libmedia.Properties.AudioBitrate

# sometimes the bitrate is reported way to high... anything over 192 gets lowered.
# adjust if wanted/needed
if ($bitrate -gt 192)
$bitrate = 192
# trp : work around Get-MediaInfo not working
if (!$bitrate) # yes = null-valued expression
$bitrate = 64
"- Processing: " + $child.FullName + " at Bitrate $bitrate"

$media = $mpobj.newMedia($child.Fullname)
$protected = $media.getItemInfo('Is_Protected')
# Some files, such as flac or ogg may have the protection attribute empty
if ($protected)
$prot = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($protected)
$prot = $false

if (!$prot)
$strInName = $child.FullName
$strOutName = $child.DirectoryName + "\" + $child.BaseName + ".wma" # trp ".mp3"

# The argument string that tells ffmpeg what to do...
# The generic syntax is:
# ffmpeg [global options] [[infile options][‘-i’ infile]]...
# {[outfile options] outfile}...
# -i filename (input) :: -i <string> :: input file name
# -y (global) :: -y :: Overwrite output files without asking.
# -acodec codec (input/output) :: -acodec libmp3lame :: Set the audio codec.
# This is an alias for -codec:a.
# trp: acodec wmav2 A..... wmav2 Windows Media Audio 2
# :: -ab 128k :: Set bitrate in bits to constant 128k bit rate
# -ac[:stream_specifier] channels (input/output,per-stream) :: -ac 2 ::
# Set the number of audio channels. For output streams it is set by default
# to the number of input audio channels. For input streams this option only
# makes sense for audio grabbing devices and raw demuxers and is mapped to the
# corresponding demuxer options.
# -ar[:stream_specifier] freq (input/output,per-stream) :: -ar 44100 ::
# Set the audio sampling frequency. For output streams it is set by default
# to the frequency of the corresponding input stream. For input streams this
# option only makes sense for audio grabbing devices and raw demuxers and is
# mapped to the corresponding demuxer options.
# :: $mp3name :: Output name
# file:///C:/ffmpeg-git-1eabd71-win32-static/doc/ffmpeg.html

# trp: $arguments = '-i ' + '"'+$strInName +'"' +' -y -acodec libmp3lame -ab ' + $bitrate`
$arguments = '-i ' + '"'+$strInName +'"' +' -y -acodec wmav2 -ab ' + $bitrate`
+'k -ac 2 -ar 44100 ' + '"' + $strOutName+ '"'

# This is where the conversion takes place
# trp:debug
Write-Warning "$tool + `r`n"
Write-Warning "$arguments + `r`n"
Invoke-Expression "$tool $arguments"

# Lets see what we just converted, did everything go OK?
$objOutFile = get-item $strOutName

# if conversion went well the mp3 file is larger than 0 bytes, so remove the original file,
# otherwise leave the wma file & remove the (zero length) mp3 file

if (!$strOutName.Length -gt 0) # no success converting -> delete failed converted file
echo "----- removing $strOutName"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $strOutName
else # success converting
if ($blndelete) # delete original requested
# you might want to consider moving the original file to
# anther location instead of removing it.
# Allowing you time to manually check if the conversions went OK
echo "----- removing $strInName"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $strInName
else # $prot
"! File " + $child.FullName + " is DRM protected, skipping..."

# We are done, so lets inform the user what the success rate was.
Echo "Processing completed, $successcounter conversions were succesfull `
and $failurecounter were not."