
Archive for February, 2015

Bringing method documentation back into synch by using Textpad command line to jump to GrepWin matched line in file

  1. Objective: is checking, in one simple result window, multi-line matches of method signatures and their Doxygen comments from a multi-module, multi-directory C++ codebase, in order to spot  inconsistencies, i.e. where code and documentation  are out f synch: image
  2. image
  3. All this short of having to write a Parser or buying a tool like Atomineer Pro Documentation  (which does look like it is “right on the money”, but, as it turned out to my surprise, also far short of getting this to work in Eclipse or on a Bash command line with Grep and Perl, ack  (doesn’t do multi-line matches!), ag, or what-not.  grepWin is free, has an easy-to-use, versatile interface, and proves, once again, to be a powerful little tool.
  4. A a sample (in reality not cut off, of course), 2 methods with their comments showing here: image
  5. And I am only a click away from correcting errors I spot in my preferred editor that grepWin  can link in “Settings””C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 7\TextPad.exe” %path%(%line%,0)
  6. image
  7. Some grepWin quirk I do not understand:
    1. Why does the “Search” button do nothing when I select radio button “Regex” instead of “Text Search”, but does the expected regex match against file and directory name when I select the latter? image