
Archive for the ‘Analytics’ Category

LRC classroom usage 2013/4


Summary of the LRC main classroom use in year 2012/3


(Tentative while experimenting with Calendaranalytics).

Summary of my work calendar in year 2012/13


(Tentative while experimenting with Calendaranalytics).

First results with MS-Calendar Analytics for learning center management

  1. You can use the controls on the right to drill into the detail by selecting one or more
    1. Aliases,
    2. Attendees,
    3. Time periods
    4. Status.
  2. The graphs on the left and in the center will automatically reflect your selection on the right.
  3. These results lead to more questions. E.g. why is this tripod so popular?
  4. calendaranalytics
  5. Lesson learnt: Now it comes back to haunt us that we block broken or MIA equipment from users attempting to book it by making it look “busy” with an 24/7 “Appointment“. However, It should however be possible to filter out such appointments, versus “meeting requests”.
  6. calendaranalytics0

How my documentation blog is developing

2012/3 enrolment per language in the main LRC constituent departments (LCS and ELTI)


Protected: Timesheets Pivot Table

2012/03/13 Enter your password to view comments.

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