
Archive for September, 2008

Auralog Tell-me-more Demo Screencasts

Pedagogical rationale of timestretching audio for differentiating instruction

  1. Context: Higher Education in the UK has made considerable investments in digital lab infrastructure to improve second language instruction in times of deteriorating language take-up in the secondary sector, including widening participation. Digital language labs, apart from generic digital media, suffer from a lack of custom-made teaching materials that take advantage of the pedagogic features of the lab: grouping for personalization of teaching and learning. Pedagogical integration and development is needed to achieve the original intentions. A project to timestretch audio language learning materials for the digital audio lab promises integration software, pedagogical materials and, above all, a model of effective digital language lab use in teaching.
  2. Problem: In times of uneven language provision at the secondary school level and of shrinking language program sizes in HE, increasingly language teachers find themselves confronted with uneven language proficiency in their courses. Digital lab technology can help them to overcome the  “one size fits all” approach and personalize the students learning experience, for a greater inclusiveness in language programs and an increased proficiency boost for both the below and above average proficiency student groups.
  3. During my work with the language programmes at an English university, I could witness – and had to record – that the least proficient students, seeing themselves confronted with what was nowhere near “comprehensible input” (Krashen) for them, not only let the communication break down, but appeared so distressed that, despite being fully aware that their language output was being recorded as an assessment for the teacher to evaluate, started to curse and swear (in their native tongue) – while at the same time the upper portion of the class breezed through the exercise without any apparent difficulty.
  4. Proposed Solution:
    1. Technology to the rescue: The slowing down of digital audio – without pitch alteration –has been, while not a perfectly accurate representation of natural slow speech output, a popular benefit of digital technology in the language learning field for several years now (cf. e.g. Calico 2004), and I myself have experimented with it in the digital audio lab (Model imitation and Question – response exercises) and in publications (cf. Plagwitz, Karaoke in the Digital Audio Lab (2006)).
    2. What seems lacking are
      1. both an application that automates (by monitoring one of the network share directories that are part of the digital lab system) the slowing down (and speeding up) of audio for instructors (e.g. in 5% increments from 70% to 120% of original input) that are too time-pressed for producing materials, or even seeking out recordable on-air sources, and
      2. a model implementation in the digital audio lab (using dynamic grouping of students through the digital lab software) that creates exercises that would create exercises that can benefit from this approach (and can be shared), that applies them in a number of suitable (interpreting, ab initio language learning) modules and that assesses the proficiency improvement with this approach (using the outcome exam and a control group).
  5. Benefits: Greater fluency of both the least and most proficient students is to be expect after they were exposed to – as deemed fit by their instructors – slowed down/sped up exercises – ca. 20 exercises in the ab initio language learning module, practicing a small set of suitable new structures and vocabulary compared, with 2 control groups, and five interpreting rounds of 20-30 minutes. We will operationalize this by reusing regular assignment grading and use a control group, also of module-size, which must also use the digital audio lab, but with “one size fits all” audio.

A syllabus integrating language learning technologies into iLearning

iLearning means more intelligent

Producing and managing language learning content


How to force-stop Sanako Student using VbScript and WMI

We have been experiencing issues with the Sanako student becoming unresponsive in the Language Lab. This utility resets the student on the student computer:

'on error resume next
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
arrComputers = Array("LSS-NWX13PC06") 'update this thru scriptomatic.hta strComputer = "LSS-NWX13PC06" '01<-fails, 03<- works,
'Service Name
SrvName = "Sanako Helper" 'which format? example imapiservice is not in win xp services.msc
'Process Name
'ProcessName ="Student.exe" 'überflüssig

For Each strComputer  In arrComputers
'restart helper.exe
For Each strService In GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer).InstancesOf ("win32_service")
'   Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
'   Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)

If strService.Name = SrvName Then
If strService.State = "Running" Then
WScript.echo "Shutting down '" & strService.Name & "' Service"
wscript.sleep 5000
WScript.echo "ReStarting '" & strService.Name & "' Service"
wscript.echo "Starting '" & strService.Name & "' Service"
End If
End If
Next 'service

'restart student.exe
'find path for starting
Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

'tutor [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sanako\Setup]   "RootDir" "C:\\Program Files\\Sanako"
'student: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sanako\Shared Components\CMC ClientModuleLocation C:\Program Files\Sanako\Study\Student
'student: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sanako\Study\Student\Settings InstallPath C:\Program Files\Sanako\Study\Student
strKeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sanako\Study\Student\Settings"
strValueName = "InstallPath"
objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue 'GetDWORDValue method is not needed
WScript.echo "Registry BaseDir is '" & strValue & "'"

If IsNull(strValue) Then 'Empty means that the registry value exists, but is blank; Null means that the registry value doesn’t exist.
strStudentCommandline = "C:\Program Files\Sanako\Study\Student\Student.exe" 'todo: notbehelf
strStudentCommandline = strValue & "\Study\Student\Student.exe"
End If
WScript.echo "strStudentCommandline is '" & strStudentCommandline & "'"

'do you have to do the same for vieostreamer window?

For Each strProcess In GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer).InstancesOf ("win32_process")
'   Set objWMIProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
'   Set colItems = objWMIProcess.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)

If strProcess.CommandLine = strStudentCommandline Then
WScript.echo "Terminating '" & strProcess.CommandLine & "'"
wscript.sleep 5000
End If

'todo: remote
' you shoule be able to do this without a shell using .Create(CommandLine)
'todo: Processes launched by WMI can NEVER be visible. They run in their own windowstation, the same as window services.
'It make it visible you have to have a System Tray application or similar hidden application which is launched when each desktop starts. Then you have to setup some kind of IPC/RPC between the system tray app and your
'the problem is that i restart the student.exe under my credentials, but would have to do it under the logged in student credentials
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Ret = WshShell.Run(strStudentCommandline, 3, True) 'bWaitOnReturn Optional. Boolean value indicating whether the script should wait for the program to finish executing before continuing to the next statement in your script. If set to true, script execution halts until the program finishes, and Run returns any error code returned by the program. If set to false (the default), the Run method returns immediately after starting the program, automatically returning 0 (not to be interpreted as an error code
'error checking
If ret <> 0 then
wscript.echo "error starting "&  strStudentCommandline
WScript.echo "Starting '" & strStudentCommandline & "' Process"
End if
Next 'process running
Next 'strComputer

UPDATE: I haven now also coded  a similar utility in AutoIt, hopefully easier to use.

How to map network shares using VBScript and WMI

  1. Cannot get IT to map network drives that your users need for your departmental applications (Users? Cannot get users to map them manually in Windows. VBScript to the rescue, here is an example VBScript that uses WMI and employs some error checking:
    'search for TOADAPT and customize to your environment
    'todo: is the default host wscript? if not, will user see messages from cscript like "Drive letters changed, please reboot to see the change, then rerun this program!" "
    Option Explicit
    'On error resume next 'When debugging, always disable 
    Const HKLM = &H80000002 'for ChangeDrvLetter
    Dim objNetwork
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
    Dim strUser 'set at beginning
    strUser = objNetwork.UserName
    Dim strLogFileLocation 'set at beginning
    strLogFileLocation = "\\nebraska\Sanako_3\trp\lang\map_sanako\users\"  'trailing backslash; user needs write permission
    Dim strLogFilePath
    Dim strMessage 'set within program flow 
    dim blnForce
    blnForce = true
    Dim blnUpdateProfile
    blnUpdateProfile = true
    dim strComputer
    strComputer = "."
    Dim objWMIService
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Dim colDisks, objDisk
    Dim colVolumes, objVolume
    Dim astrDriveLetters, strDriveLetter
    Dim astrRemotePaths, strRemotePath
    ' targets aufzählen; TOADAPT
    astrDriveLetters = array("K:", "L:", "M:","V:")
    'sources aufzählen; TOADAPT
    astrRemotePaths = Array("\\nebraska\sanako_1", "\\nebraska\sanako_2", "\\nebraska\sanako_3","\\nebraska\lssvideo") 'todo: escaping? In VBScript, \ is not an escape character (that is for JavaScript).
    Dim intMatchCounter
    intMatchCounter = 0
    Dim i
    dim strFreeDriveLetter
    Dim blnExecute
    blnExecute =True
    Dim intDrives
    intDrives = ubound(astrDriveLetters)
    'For Each strDriveLetter In astrDriveLetters
    for  i=0 to intDrives  '-1
    	strDriveLetter  = astrDriveLetters(i)
    	strRemotePath= astrRemotePaths(i)
    	' check drive types
    	Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DeviceID = '" & strDriveLetter & "'")
    	'Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DeviceID = 'V:'") 'todo:release
    	For Each objDisk in colDisks 'todo: if strDriveletter not already in use, this should fail quietly - or does it 80041017 The error means the query was invalid
    		Select Case objDisk.DriveType
    			Case 1
    			    ' No root directory. Drive type could not be determined.
    			    ' todo: do nothing, handle later
    			    blnExecute = False
    			    Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case1" )
    			Case 2
    			     'Removable drive --> dismount: wmi cannot do this on xp
    			     'todo: really, for a floppy?
    			     'Set colVolumes = objWMIService1.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_Volume Where Name = "& strDriveletter & "\\") '   todo:Win32_Volume isn't availble on windows xp or earlier.
    			     'For Each objVolume in colVolumes 				 	returncode = objVolume.Dismount(True, True) next
    			     'blnExecute = true
    			     Dim strWarning
    			     strWarning = "Please first remove your drive " & strDriveLetter & ", then restart this program."
    				 WScript.Echo strWarning
    				 Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case2" )
    	 			 'oder get wmi:ejectname like 'USB Mass Storage Device' (das ist aber nicht unique)
    	 			 'Call shell and run from same folder as script deveject -EjectDrive:<Drive>|-EjectName:<Name>|-EjectId:<DeviceId> [-v] [-Debug]
    			Case 3
    			    ' Local hard disk. -> change drive letter,
    				if isSystemDrive(strDriveLetter) then'unless system drive
    				    'do nothing
    				    blnExecute = False
    				    Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case3" )
    				else  ' alter
    					' Script that changes drive letters
    					' Note: Do NOT use it on SYSTEM or BOOT partition drive letters !!!
    					' Author: Torgeir Bakken
    					' from/to
    					strFreeDriveLetter = FreeDrive()
    					If ChangeDrvLetter(strDriveLetter, strFreeDriveLetter) Then
    					  WScript.Echo "Drive letters changed, please reboot to see the change, then rerun this program!"
    					  WScript.Quit '[exitcode]
    					  'WScript.Echo "Failed changing drive letters!"
    					  ' todo: do not know how to handle this, do nothing for now
    					  blnExecute = False
    					  Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case3_failedchanging" )
    					End If
    				end if
    			Case 4
    			    'Network disk -> removenetworkdrive
    			    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    			    objNetwork.removeNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, blnForce, blnUpdateProfile 'done: this errors if drive is not mapped
    			    'force tut es nicht "this network connection has files open or requests pending":
    			    'you're running the script from Z: and trying to unmap/map Z: in the script
    			    blnExecute = true
    			Case 5
    			    'Compact disk --> change drive letter
    				' Script that changes drive letters
    				' Note: Do NOT use it on SYSTEM or BOOT partition drive letters !!!
    				' Author: Torgeir Bakken
    				' from/to
    				strFreeDriveLetter = FreeDrive()
    				If ChangeDrvLetter(strDriveLetter, strFreeDriveLetter) Then
    				  WScript.Echo "Drive letters changed, please reboot to see the change, then rerun this program!"
    				  WScript.Quit '[exitcode]
    				  'WScript.Echo "Failed changing drive letters!"
    				  ' todo: do not know how to handle this, do nothing for now
    				  blnExecute = False
    				  Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case5failedchanging" )
    				End If
    			Case 6
    			    'RAM disk.
    			    ' todo: do nothing, handle later
    			    blnExecute = False
    			    Call logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_case6" )
    			Case Else
    			    'Drive type could not be determined."
    			    ' todo: do not know how to handle this
    			    blnExecute = False
    			    Call  logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_caseelse" )
    		End Select
    	next 'objdisk within coldisk with strdriveletter
    	if blnExecute then 'drive letter is free for use
    		'need to reconnect on logon
    		'five possible arguments for MapNetworkDrive: objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive:
    		'1) strDriveLetter, 2) strRemotePath, 3) blnUpdateProfile, 4) strUser, 5) strPassword.
    		objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath, blnUpdateProfile
    		Call  logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, Left(strDriveLetter,1) & "_success" )
    	end if
    next 'driveletter
    'ergebnis demonstriern
    dim shobj
    Set ShObj = CreateObject("") "explorer.exe /select,z:\" 
    Function logUserResults(strLogFileLocation, strUser, strMessage)
    	Dim objFSO
    	dim objFile
    	Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    	strLogFilePath = strLogFileLocation & strUser & "_"& strMessage & ".txt"
    	Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogFilePath, true) 'overwrite is better than erroring
    End Function
    Function ChangeDrvLetter(sSourceDrive, sTargetDrive)
      Dim bOk, oReg, sKeyPath , sSrc , sValue, iRC, sTrg
      bOk = True  ' Init value
      Set oReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
      sKeyPath = "SYSTEM\MountedDevices"
      sSrc = "\DosDevices\" & UCase(sSourceDrive)
      iRC = oReg.GetBinaryValue(HKLM, sKeyPath, sSrc, sValue) 'getbinaryvalue outputs result into svalue (can be aray, see
      If iRC = 0 Then
        sTrg = "\DosDevices\" & UCase(sTargetDrive)
        iRC = oReg.SetBinaryValue(HKLM, sKeyPath, sTrg, sValue)
        If iRC = 0 Then
          oReg.DeleteValue HKLM, sKeyPath, sSrc
          bOK = False
        End If
        bOK = False
      End If
      ChangeDrvLetter = bOK
    End Function
    'Michael Harris
    Function FreeDrive
      Dim I, oFso
      Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      For I = Asc("D") to Asc("U")
        If Not oFso.DriveExists(Chr(I)) Then
          Freedrive = Chr(I) & ":"
          Exit Function
        End If
    End Function 
    function Get_System_Drive()
    	Dim objShell, strSystemDrv
    	Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
    	strSystemDrv = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMDRIVE%")
    	Get_System_Drive = strSystemDrv
    end function 
    function isSystemDrive(strDriveLetter)
    	if strDriveletter = Get_System_Drive() then
    		isSystemDrive = true
    		isSystemDrive = false
    	end if
    End function 
  2. This script will also emit a poor man’s log,  in the file system on the network share, per users and drives that could be mapped, for them, like in this example: image
  3. More recently, I had to do the same for ALL users, including the Sanako Student Player installation, using AutoIt.