
Archive for the ‘research’ Category

Paper on use of “Speech recognition Tools for Oral Proficiency” training has appeared in this week’s

  1. Since I have been asked to advertise this: Smiley
  2. image
    1. These Speech recognition tools, while an invaluable partial evaluation automation or AI tool, come free with MS-Windows (7 Enterprise/Ultimate, 8 all distributions) – crucial for often resource-strapped language learning environments.
    2. The tools do not come with pre-built exercises – a blessing in disguise since this makes them easier to integrate  them with your existing textbook-based syllabus. I provide some ideas how you can easily derive speech recognition exercises from your syllabus/textbooks.
  3. I recommend having a look at the entire new issue of FLTMag, the magazine on technology integration in the world language classroom, which
    1. examines other software that supports second language learning with video conferencing, support for writing and vocabulary learning (on tablets versus print materials) ,
    2. reviews a book on “Ideas for integrating technology in the classroom” 
    3. and advertises upcoming conferences.  Hope to see you there.
Categories: research Tags:

Find open access research on teaching modern foreign languages with Yazik Open

2012/03/28 2 comments

An inititative of an expert from the UK LLASYazik Open has the potential to become a welcome addition to our SLA research search options, especially if you do not want to run into a pay wall after finding an interesting abstract.

The currently sole contributor seems to be admin – same problem I had when I started a language learning resource links database in 1998, when will this change?

The keyword list looks somewhat rudimentary – when I worked with LLAS on a language learning resource metadata schema, complexity led to a grinding halt.

So the need to bring some of the advances in technologically fostered collaboration and information exchange to domain-specific fields like SLA certainly remains to be felt here.