
Archive for the ‘tablets’ Category

Your camera roll backup to OneDrive may not be turned on automatically on the MS-Surface after all

  1. Swipe from the right, tab on “Settings”, “Change PC Settings”.
  2. On the next page in the left menu, tab on “OneDrive”, and check: SHIVA - Screenshot (5)
  3. Turn it on. If necessary, start OneDrive, give it some time, then check in OneDrive whether your photos from your Surface camera get uploaded: image
  4. My automatic camera roll backup may have been off
    1. due to an initial problem setting up OneDrive  on my MS-Surface
    2. due to a path that was too long
    3. due to the fact that, in spite of trying the instructions to change this folder, my surface seems to insist on synching my OneDrive to a subfolder of my user folder: That, however, is a post for another day…

MS-Surface RT unboxing

How to connect an MS-Surface RT to the secure campus wireless

  1. This worked on a 1st generation Surface, but with Windows 8.1.
  2. No problem getting onto the UNCC49er network, but the Surface/Windows 8 is not supported on the NINERWifi-secure yet. Specifically, loading the automated configuration tools provided when first trying to access the   NINERWifi-secure, fails on the RT platform. CAM04613CAM04614
  3. I received seemingly conflicting instructions:
    1. The campus website
      1. has for devices that are not supported manual configuration settings.
      2. Another campus that uses the same secure wireless provider has these instructions for Windows 8.
      3. I could piece it together from there,
      4. including any translation to (there is none needed that I could see which BTW actually amazes me) Windows 8 RT.
    2. Maybe the following would have worked also, but I did not try it since I was already in the middle of the above steps:
      1. Swipe in from the right-edge of the screen, and tap Settings. (If you’re using a mouse, point to upper-right corner of screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Settings.)
      2. Tap or click the wireless network icon Wireless network icon. A list of available wireless networks should appear.
      3. Look for the “Hidden Network” option and then choose it.
      4. When it prompts for a SSID, type in exactly: NinerWiFi-Secure
      5. It should then prompt for username/password (NinerNET credentials).
      6. Say yes to any certificates warnings that pop up.

Check out this web page…

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