A few tools for speech transcription

  1. For teacher (research, learning material production etc.) transcription tasks (as opposed to language learner tasks, for which we can use the Sanako),
  2. if you have
    1. no switch (foot pedal) hardware (which usually comes with its own software), :
    2. no budget (a professional, but not free tool described here earlier is Swift-TX)
  3. available freeware tools that can speed up your transcriptions tasks are:
    1. Simple enough, but functional for the occasional transcription task: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~ebreck/code/sscriber/.
    2. More oriented towards research and large-scale (corpora) transcriptions:
      1. http://transag.sourceforge.net/;
      2. LDC’s http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/tools/XTrans/.
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