
Posts Tagged ‘ereserves’

How students access language learning materials on the Library ereserves system

  1. Note the important update in red below.
  2. This has been tested at post date with Firefox. ereserves seems to be not compatible with Internet Explorer 8: irealplayer-cannot-open-ram-from-ereserves-in-ie8
  3. On the Library home page, from the top menu: “Research & Course Help”, choose menu item: “Course Reserves” (or, if this menu changes again, I have a hunch that deeplinking may be more stable:,  what’s in a URL…),
  4. sign in with your Ninernet ID,
  5. enter search term
    1. select from the dropdown “search by name”, an enter part of your course name in the textbox,
    2. or click on tab:”Course Reserves Pages by Instructor”, and from the dropdown, select your instructor,
  6. click search,
  7. then select your course from the results grid.
  8. ereserve-search-result-page-example-name=french
  9. Enter the password, which has been given to your by your instructor.
  10. ereserve-password-page
  11. In the results grid, click on the desired chapter and tracks. Note: You need to disable your web browser”s “popup blocker”.
  12. In the popup window, click on link: “More information”,
  13. when offered, , like in this screenshot:
  14. you cannot save the file,  or rather: only a text file with links to the audio which you cannot play, like rtsp:// That is by design.
  15. Instead of trying to save, select to “open” the file. You need have a streaming audio playing software installed, like Real Player or the open source VLC-Player.
  16. instead of VLC, as offered by default, like so : ram-download-fail
  17.  choose “Open with”, “Other”, pick “RealPlayer” from the list, like so:realplayer-cannot-open-ram-from-ereserves-but-from-firefox
  18. Here is a more on what does not work with ereserves. The only combination I could get to work with eReserves streaming audio is  – see resulting screencast (requires Windows Media Player) of streaming a long file successfully  – is RealPlayer 14, Firefox 3.6 on Windows XP3, and that only after resetting the Winsock catalog which I can do for the entire LRC only nownext time the lab is reimaged. For now, use instead audio from Moodle metacourses where possible.

Streaming Problems with Realmedia via RTSP from ereserves with VLC Player (and Internet Explorer. And NetOp School)

  1. VLC-player
    1. version 1.1.9,  but also currently newest 1.1.11 as well on Windows CXP SP 3
    2. opens from IE8 and Firefox 3.6
    3. but is not able to play files (tested even multi) through. Rather, it nicely falls on its face, with the audio stream simply appearing to stop, mid-sentence, after 2:38 (pretty consistently – a buffering bug? A great way to slip through pre-testing).
    4. In the LRC, I could hardly bring the taskswitcher up, let alone (15 minutes of waiting) the task manager, to even find that vlc.exe is the culprit, with a CPU utilization of 99% solid (Ouch!). ereserves (4)
    5. Not quite so bad in the office computer where it hovered slightly above 25%, maybe busying  only one CPU core. ereserves-crashes-vlcplayer-at238-diana
  2. My Google searches do not find anything quite similar.
  3. RealPlayer 14 to the rescue?
    1. In IE8, RealPlayer does not open when clicking on the web page link with the RM file which causes a dialogue to open if VLC-player is the default player, rather a strange unplayable content error..
    2. realplayer-cannot-open-ram-from-ereserves-in-ie8
    3. In Firefox, RealPlayer open and plays (and pre-buffers) the stream completely.realplayer-cannot-open-ram-from-ereserves-but-from-firefox
    4. Note that ereserves “download as zip” cannot serve as a workaround: gives you only the links like, which require you to re-authenticate, even if in the same browser session, and do not redirect to the resource, neither audio nor web page form which you could launch the audio (in short, I do not get what this download as zip is good for)
    5. Next Problem: This may work on my office computer. In the lab we have NetOp School installed. That adds another layer of NetOp School problems which look like they can be resolved next time the lab is reimaged. For now, use instead audio from Moodle metacourses where possible. next time I get around to design and run a Symantec-Ghost Software and File Action on the computers (all LRC lab PCs) and test the result (on PC10) which was now.